Thursday 18 February 2010

I Can't Forget

We couldn't forget: on September 2008, the demo of an unreleased song called "I Can't Forget" surfaced on the internet.... but only a few seconds of it. Finally, the full song is out there, for our listening pleasure. It is always a thrill to hear a new unreleased track from any of M's recording sessions.

"I Can't Forget" was a collaboration with David Foster, recorded for "Something to Remember", back in 1995. It's no surprise that, to pick 2 out of 3 songs, this would be out, with "You'll See" and "I Want You" as heavy-weight competitors.

Nevertheless, this demo unveils what would be a beautiful song, with proper arrangements and studio editing. And even with such a home-made type of sound (we can't forget, it's only a demo...), this track has what we want the most: Madonna's unique voice. And I just love the chorus!

After being put away from "Something To Remember"'s final setlist, "I Can't Forget" was later recorded by british group Tilt, under the title "Come Closer", for their 2006 album "Vaults". Madonna is credited as writer of the song. The song was also given to Canadian singer Angelica DiCastro, for her album "Beautiful Feeling". The song is credited to David Foster and Madonna.

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