Tuesday, 31 July 2012

MDNA Tour #1: Opening night, Tel Aviv

M's 2012 world tour has already left 24 shows behind and it's time to catch up with the route, starting from day one.

To kick off her 9th tour, Madonna chose the city of Tel Aviv and the date of May 29. However, due to production delays, the MDNA Tour (initially titled Madonna World Tour but, finally, MDNA took its well-deserved place) was rescheduled for May 31.

On that evening, at the Ramat Gan Stadium - exactly 2 months ago, that's right! - she unleashed the stage beast, on what I now consider - and I say it with no fear - her best tour ever.
Sunday, May 27: rehearsals at Ramat Gan Stadium

Thursday, May 31: the MDNA Tour opening night, Tel Aviv

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