Thursday 22 March 2012

MDNA through her own words

Oh my God, I just listened to M's interview with Larry Flick (Billboard editor and Sirius radio host).

Such a thrill to hear her voice, her thoughts, her speech (always so articulate and rich)...
And to know that MDNA is so damn dark and close to my all-time favourite album EVER, Erotica! (Larry, I love you!)

My God, I think I'm gonna die, next Monday.

The waiting hurts (so good)...


Anonymous said...

Wasn't she great? You can tell she's tired which is totally understandable but she's still open and engaged.

Can't wait for your full album review!


Rui Clemente said...

Cait, I LOVE this interview! She's so... herself! Open and engaged, yes! I love her reactions to Larry's statements (fav album, fav tour). And he's such a great interviewer. Thank you so much for posting the link! :D

OMG, I hope I'll be able to articulate any words, after listening to MDNA :))

Can't wait to know your reaction as well!
